New plan! We can try to run it from a terminal window.
if you hold shift and right click inside the directory you should have an option to open powershell - from there you can enter ./start.batand it’ll try to startup without closing the window.
That should show what the problem is with starting it
I am currently trying to invoke a simple workflow via REST API (this worked already via Postman) from my application in my SAP Cloud system. There I am calling a destination which looks similar to the URL from Postman. This fails - I was wondering if that could work? As I am calling localhost camunda REST API from my cloud SAP environment. Do you know if in this case I would have to change the target URL from camunda?
In what way exactly does it fail?
What specific rest call are you trying to make. I see you’re pointing at the rest end point but i don’t see which call you’re making
this is in my Java Script Code to call the destination and append it with what I need.
This has been done before with another destination for SAP Workflow engine. Now I tried the same for camunda and thought it might work ;). “test_workflow” is my test workflow ID which I deployed to camunda Run platform.
well, the error messages say internal error and that the URL is not reachable. after thinking about this it makes sense to me as my camunda runs locally for myself on localhost. but in the cloud for my SAP app localhost is the cloud itself and thus not my local camunda. That would mean I need a REST API in the internet from camunda. Do you know if there is an API reachable through the internet?
Awww ok, you if you’re not running the SAP thing locally that wont work.
You need to either open up the port on your local machine so that you can reach it from outside.
Deploy camunda to a server somewhere
the expression for exclusive gateways works on buttons (actions reset and submit)? I receive an error as implemented below (my buttons key is “rejectButton”).
Maybe I could provide two options (approve, reject) in a textfield as a dropdown?