Hello everyone i have a task in Camunda but i don’t really have an idea on how to approach it, i started learning camunda and it’s features about a week ago. So the task is like this:
Create Maven project with corresponding archetype from Camunda repository which workflow BPM diagram automatically will be created in the classpath of the project.
The workflow needs to receive following xml content as input: Empire Burlesque and extract only the complex CD elements with American artist and released after year 1995. For this purpose, you can use any Task by your choice and it is required to use build-in Camunda Java libraries for message manipulation instead of open source Java frameworks. After transformation store the result in process variable in order to be visible in Cockpit runtime and make sure you are able to see it as rendered xml string instead of binary data for example:
Any ideas on how should i solve this? Or if you have send me some links with examples similar like this task with a step to step guide so i can learn while resolving the task. Thanks in advance everyone. Also i have already installed everything like camunda modeler, camunda start engine, postman, and my eclipse is set.