Camunda TaskListener never fired when added via Custom AbstractProcessEnginePlugin

When adding a parse listener via Java:

public void parseUserTask(Element userTaskElement, ScopeImpl scope, ActivityImpl activity) {
    super.parseUserTask(userTaskElement, scope, activity);
    activity.addListener(TaskListener.EVENTNAME_CREATE, userTaskCreatedListener);
    activity.addListener(TaskListener.EVENTNAME_DELETE, userTaskCancelledListener);

" TaskListener.EVENTNAME_ * " don’t work.
" ExecutionListener.EVENTNAME_ * " do.

Why is that TaskListeners event names are not working?
I tried using 7.13.11-ee, 7.14.5-ee and 7.15.0-alpha5-ee

I can’t fire them with this. I can’t use the Reactor Plugin v2+ since it is not present in Maven and does not support 7.14+ and many other versions. I can’t also set TaskListeners in the Camunda Modeler using Templates because it does not support them.