Yes, after some research and sample coding I have gotten the NODE app to collect an array of elements from the BPMN file.
All of the additional documentation information from the user created camunda properties are also collected.
I can generate an ADOC file that has nicely formatted documentation. I’m working on formatting.
The GITHub repository has my research code and notes in it right now.
The next item is to generate a small SVG file for each element in the diagram
for example
“$type”: “bpmn:UserTask”,
“id”: “Task_1yzt5bc”,
“name”: “Clicks on Immunization Link in\nCC360”,
Needs to generate an SVG that looks like
Here is an example of what I’m trying to generate…
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- created with bpmn-js / -->
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="112" height="92" viewBox="255 274 112 92" version="1.1"><g class="djs-group"><g class="djs-element djs-shape" data-element-id="ServiceTask_15iz3md" style="display: block;" transform="translate(261 280)"><g class="djs-visual"><rect x="0" y="0" width="100" height="80" rx="10" ry="10" style="stroke: black; stroke-width: 2px; fill: white;"/><text class="djs-label" style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; fill: black;"><tspan x="29.8359375" y="29.5">Verifies </tspan><tspan x="10" y="43.5">CC360 to MPI-</tspan><tspan x="24.5" y="57.5">API route</tspan></text><path d="m 12,18 v -1.71335 c 0.352326,-0.0705 0.703932,-0.17838 1.047628,-0.32133 0.344416,-0.14465 0.665822,-0.32133 0.966377,-0.52145 l 1.19431,1.18005 1.567487,-1.57688 -1.195028,-1.18014 c 0.403376,-0.61394 0.683079,-1.29908 0.825447,-2.01824 l 1.622133,-0.01 v -2.2196 l -1.636514,0.01 c -0.07333,-0.35153 -0.178319,-0.70024 -0.323564,-1.04372 -0.145244,-0.34406 -0.321407,-0.6644 -0.522735,-0.96217 l 1.131035,-1.13631 -1.583305,-1.56293 -1.129598,1.13589 c -0.614052,-0.40108 -1.302883,-0.68093 -2.022633,-0.82247 l 0.0093,-1.61852 h -2.241173 l 0.0042,1.63124 c -0.353763,0.0736 -0.705369,0.17977 -1.049785,0.32371 -0.344415,0.14437 -0.665102,0.32092 -0.9635006,0.52046 l -1.1698628,-1.15823 -1.5667691,1.5792 1.1684265,1.15669 c -0.4026573,0.61283 -0.68308,1.29797 -0.8247287,2.01713 l -1.6588041,0.003 v 2.22174 l 1.6724648,-0.006 c 0.073327,0.35077 0.1797598,0.70243 0.3242851,1.04472 0.1452428,0.34448 0.3214064,0.6644 0.5227339,0.96066 l -1.1993431,1.19723 1.5840256,1.56011 1.1964668,-1.19348 c 0.6140517,0.40346 1.3028827,0.68232 2.0233517,0.82331 l 7.19e-4,1.69892 h 2.226848 z m 0.221462,-3.9957 c -1.788948,0.7502 -3.8576,-0.0928 -4.6097055,-1.87438 -0.7521065,-1.78321 0.090598,-3.84627 1.8802645,-4.59604 1.78823,-0.74936 3.856881,0.0929 4.608987,1.87437 0.752106,1.78165 -0.0906,3.84612 -1.879546,4.59605 z" style="fill: white; stroke-width: 1px; stroke: black;"/><path d="m 17.2,18 c -1.788948,0.7502 -3.8576,-0.0928 -4.6097055,-1.87438 -0.7521065,-1.78321 0.090598,-3.84627 1.8802645,-4.59604 1.78823,-0.74936 3.856881,0.0929 4.608987,1.87437 0.752106,1.78165 -0.0906,3.84612 -1.879546,4.59605 z" style="fill: white; stroke-width: 0px; stroke: black;"/><path d="m 17,22 v -1.71335 c 0.352326,-0.0705 0.703932,-0.17838 1.047628,-0.32133 0.344416,-0.14465 0.665822,-0.32133 0.966377,-0.52145 l 1.19431,1.18005 1.567487,-1.57688 -1.195028,-1.18014 c 0.403376,-0.61394 0.683079,-1.29908 0.825447,-2.01824 l 1.622133,-0.01 v -2.2196 l -1.636514,0.01 c -0.07333,-0.35153 -0.178319,-0.70024 -0.323564,-1.04372 -0.145244,-0.34406 -0.321407,-0.6644 -0.522735,-0.96217 l 1.131035,-1.13631 -1.583305,-1.56293 -1.129598,1.13589 c -0.614052,-0.40108 -1.302883,-0.68093 -2.022633,-0.82247 l 0.0093,-1.61852 h -2.241173 l 0.0042,1.63124 c -0.353763,0.0736 -0.705369,0.17977 -1.049785,0.32371 -0.344415,0.14437 -0.665102,0.32092 -0.9635006,0.52046 l -1.1698628,-1.15823 -1.5667691,1.5792 1.1684265,1.15669 c -0.4026573,0.61283 -0.68308,1.29797 -0.8247287,2.01713 l -1.6588041,0.003 v 2.22174 l 1.6724648,-0.006 c 0.073327,0.35077 0.1797598,0.70243 0.3242851,1.04472 0.1452428,0.34448 0.3214064,0.6644 0.5227339,0.96066 l -1.1993431,1.19723 1.5840256,1.56011 1.1964668,-1.19348 c 0.6140517,0.40346 1.3028827,0.68232 2.0233517,0.82331 l 7.19e-4,1.69892 h 2.226848 z m 0.221462,-3.9957 c -1.788948,0.7502 -3.8576,-0.0928 -4.6097055,-1.87438 -0.7521065,-1.78321 0.090598,-3.84627 1.8802645,-4.59604 1.78823,-0.74936 3.856881,0.0929 4.608987,1.87437 0.752106,1.78165 -0.0906,3.84612 -1.879546,4.59605 z" style="fill: white; stroke-width: 1px; stroke: black;"/></g><rect x="0" y="0" width="100" height="80" class="djs-hit" style="fill: none; stroke-opacity: 0; stroke: white; stroke-width: 15px;"/><rect x="-6" y="-6" width="112" height="92" class="djs-outline" style="fill: none;"/></g></g></svg>
I got this SVG by copy-pasting it into a blank BPMN document.
I’m doing research but have not had good luck on this so far
How to generate something like this using the JS libraries?