Camunda version incompatible with WildFly-20.0.1

We recently upgraded from WildFly-16 to WildFly-20.0.1. We were using Camunda-11 in WF-16. But it is not working in WildFly-20.
Here is the error in startup log:

[Host Controller] Caused by: WFLYCTL0083: Failed to load module org.camunda.bpm.wildfly.camunda-wildfly-subsystem
[Host Controller] Caused by: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: WFLYCTL0083: Failed to load module
[Host Controller] at
[Host Controller] Caused by: org.jboss.modules.ModuleNotFoundException: org.jboss.metadata

Which version of Camunda we need to upgrade to solve the issue in WF-20?

You can see the list of supported environments in the docs. The currently released versions of Camunda do not yet support wildfly 20 - but it will likely be supported as of Camunda 7.14.0 which will be released October 13th.

This problem was fixed in Camunda 7.13.

But the change is small, it should be possible to take over the change of the module.xml into your installation.