Camunda with FormIO

Hi @StephenOTT ,

As per your feature implementation of FormIo with Camunda, how can I set in/out param expression form FormIo container.container.apiKey?

Example ::
“name”: “abcd comp”,
“type”: “industrial”,
“addressDetailsContainer”: {
“street” : “north street”,
“streetNo” : “5th”,
“city” : “mumbai”

i need to set expression as “companyDetailsContainer.addressDetailsContainer.streetNo” (expected)
Currently Camunda will parse only root level variables in this expression. Here I can set it with expression ${companyDetailsContainer.get(“addressDetailsContainer”).get(“streetNo”)} and it worked fine. But how can i achieve expected one?

When you save the variable as json it saves as spin. So you can use the following to access sub props. Reading JSON |
