We are in the integration part of Camunda web app (cockpit / tasklist / admin) with Keycloak SSO.
We are referring the below tutorial for the auto login after keycloak credentials are signed in.
during Sign in
- If no user is present on camunda db, it is redirected to setup page. Meaning, a sign on page is appeared to create a user. Is it possible to bypass this page as well ? If it is possible, please provide a sample code or reference.
during signing out
- If the sign out is done from the camunda page, it shows, the successful sign out, but after that the next request to camunda is not going for keycloak sign in page. It is directly going into the camunda welcome page (The page which shows the three options Cockpit, Task list and Admin).
So, it seems the sign out is not happening properly.
Could you please suggest why sign out is not happening. I understand overriding sign out mechanism is not needed because we are expecting the camunda sign out only.