I am using requestInitiator variable in my task assigne and it is getting stored in table ACT_RU_TASK table with assignee column value as john. Is this right approach/way to do it???
How do I get all tasks assigned to a particular user??? Do I have to fetch like this List tasks = taskService.createTaskQuery().taskAssignee(“kermit”).list();
Now on clicking from the above tasklist I will display respective fields from our table. Once he approves, I want to pass/delegate the task created to some other user… how do i achieve that. I read the docs and it has delegateTask.setAssignee(“admin”);
but I dont get how do i get taskid…to which specific task i want to delegate in other controller.
Can anyone please guide me or share a code snippet that could help me in understanding better…
Awaiting for a response
You are on the right track on the first two points. However I don’t get what do you want to achieve in the third point:
You want to pass the current task to another user or the question is for assigning the next task…?
Maybe it would be easier to share with us example of your process in order to visualize the question.
Thank you so much for the reply and confirmation about first 2 points I had raised.
I am using angular 4 in front end and forms are created using smartadmin. Once the form is submitted I initiate a workflow request and store form fields in our table. Now the submitted form has to go for an approval by upper management.
So my question is
How do I map my request form table with task table??? Shall I store a taskId generated while initiating a request i.e., ID_ from ACT_RU_TASK in our request table ??? or there is an another better approach may be ???
when the Higher authority approves the submitted request, how do I delegate the task to other user??? I have tried taskService.delegateTask(taskId, user);
So on every department approval I will have to delegateTask like this ???
How can I get activities performed by different users on a task ??? I would want to show the current status along with activity’s progress ??
Once the delegated task is resolved is it assigned to owner to set the task complete ???
Actually in my ACT_RU_TASK table owner is getting stored as null so whenever this delegation is to take place owner has to be set before delegation. RIGHT ???
Thank you for the help…Lot of things getting clear now…
After the resolving, the task is reassigned to the owner so they can complete it.
Right, the owner should be set before the delegation. If no owner is set on the task, the owner is set to the current assignee of the task which is not useful in your case (I think).