I have a simple start – user task – finish diagram and set the candidate user of user task to: Peter Meter, peter, “peter”, … and candidate group to: manager, … and all possible combination.
Also join peter in camunda-admin group for access all auth and set Criteria filter of peter My Group Tasks like: candidate user: ${current user ()}, Peter and so on.
But none of them work and after deploy and start process and log in with peter, task is not in peter My Group Tasks. (it’s just in All tasks).
hi @hassang and thanks.
I get the user profile: “id”: “peter”,
“firstName”: “Peter”,
“lastName”: “Meter”,
“email”: “peter@camunda.org”
but by set the candidate user to user id = peter , it still not working. utd2.bpmn (2.1 KB)
thanks @hassang
yes, that’s it, I correct it just few seconds before reply and it works after Re-deploy the process.
also I wonder why camunda-admin auth not working for it.