Cannot connect to zeebe from Modeler

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to connect to zeebe gateway from Camunda modeler but there’s an error


I’ve checked camunda forum and found the following, which says zeebe should not be exposed.

(Camunda Self-Managed and Desktop Modeler access)

But from the camunda guide, it says

Once deployed, you can access the Camunda Platform 8 components on:

  • Web applications:[identity|operate|optimize|tasklist]
  • Keycloak authentication:
  • Zeebe Gateway: grpc://

So I’m wondering what’s the best practice here and is it possible to connect to zeebe using ALB with a domain?

Hi @ntt.duynh,
@Ingo_Richtsmeier answer describes one possibility on how to deploy a BPMN model to Camunda 8 self-managed.

If you want to do so directly from within the Modeler you need to make sure that you have forwarded port 26500 so it is accessible via zbctl.

Does this somehow help? :thinking:

Thanks @Hafflgav

I’ll look into it.

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