Cannot deserialize object in variable 'test1': SPIN/JACKSON-JSON-01007 Cannot construct java type from string 'java.util.ArrayList<groovy.sql.GroovyRowResult<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object>>'

@Ali_Titan For deserialization, you should have the below class in camunda classpath.



ObjectValue typedObjectValue = Variables

Access serialized properties:

// returns true
boolean isDeserialized = retrievedTypedObjectValue.isDeserialized();

// returns the format used by the engine to serialize the value into the database
String serializationDataFormat = retrievedTypedObjectValue.getSerializationDateFormat();

// returns the serialized representation of the variable; the actual value depends on the serialization format used
String serializedValue = retrievedTypedObjectValue.getValueSerialized();

// returns the class com.example.Order
Class<com.example.Order> valueClass = retrievedTypedObjectValue.getObjectType();

// returns the String "com.example.Order"
String valueClassName = retrievedTypedObjectValue.getObjectTypeName();


String serializedOrder = "...";
ObjectValue serializedValue =

runtimeService.setVariableLocal(execution.getId(), "order", serializedValue);

ObjectValue retrievedTypedObjectValue = runtimeService.getVariableTyped(execution.getId(), "order");
com.example.Order retrievedOrder = (com.example.Order) retrievedTypedObjectValue.getValue();

Read about Serializing Process Variables

Custom Java objects can be serialized with the value type object:

Object Value Serialization: