This might look like a strange requirement, but I want the failed tasks to be identified with one api call.
ie, I call the jobs api which return the jobs that have an exception message. I intend to parse this JSON and display them in a table.
I have some script tasks and http-connect task that return a json output with status. I can parse this output and throw an exception if status that I return shows and error.
|exceptionMessage|"Unable to evaluate script: Node not found:5656 in at line number 4 at column
The above was done using javascript
var node_details = nodeid // is a process variable
if (statusCode != 200) {
var msg = "Api response not ok "+url+" :"+node_details;
throw msg;
var status = S(response).prop("success").value();
var msgg = S(response).prop("message").value()+" :"+node_details;
if (status == "0") throw msgg;
This works fine when there is no connectivity issues to the api server. In case there is a connectivity issue to the api server, process engine throws a “No Route to host” exception.
So my question is; can I catch these Process engine exceptions in the output parameter javascript, append my node details and throw again?
Any advice is appreciated.
Thank you,
Rajiv C.J.