Hi, since today, Cawemo does not load projects within our main organization in Cawemo. The organization contains many diagrams (3 years of work), however, there was no issue loading it before this point. We are using the online free version of Cawemo.
Cawemo says “Yikes! Could not fetch your projects. Please try again later.”
If I switch to a different organization with just a few BPMN diagrams, it works fine.
Thanks for letting us know, we’re investigating the issue and will let you know when it’s working again.
In the meantime you should be aware that we suggest migrating from Cawemo to the Camunda Web Modeler.
As for your suggestion, thanks for the information. I was not aware there was a new online tool available. From a BA perspective (ignoring our automation development team, their perspective, and our collaboration) and based on a quick check, a few issues are blocking us from migrating to the online modeler:
There is no migration tool - We have some 100+ projects in Cawemo at the moment and it might be a challenge to migrate the content manually, create new links to share various BPMN models again, and update our already existing documents utilizing these links. Cawemo has become a sort of go-to process modeling tool in the company, hence the scope.
Registration - Everyone already using Cawemo would have to create a new account for the Camunda modeler.
Specification for an element is gone - Within the modeler, the closest we can get to the Cawemo functionality is by utilizing the Design mode. Unfortunately, the element specification has been removed from the right sidebar, including the visual indication that an element has some content in the specification attribute. Switching to the Implement tab and utilizing the documentation field will not solve the situation, as the field is small and the sidebar is cluttered with other stuff not relevant to our typical analysis phase of a project. The visual indication that an element has a specification filled in and the ability to view it has been also removed from the mode where a diagram is viewed via the share link functionality.
Of course, there is also a lot of good new stuff that I have not explored nor understood fully yet. My focus is more on analysis than development and deployment at the moment. It looks slick.