Change user group in modeler with connector

Hello. I need to change the user group if a user starts a process. For example, before starting the process, the user is in the group of users without a process, and as soon as the process starts, the user is in the group of users with the process running. For this problem, I use the connector solution, which is located at the beginning of the process. Is there a solution in this method that the Camunda service address is dynamic?
On the other hand, am I using the right method or is there a better solution?

Hey @Bagher_Naem,

Just do make sure I understand it correctly: you want to make the url for the Connector dynamic?

In general you would probably have a better control about your code logic using a Java Delegate or an External Task worker for changing the user group.

If you are using Camunda in a Java set up, you could also consider using a Listener after the start event that changes the group of the user. This might be a good idea because it is probably not something that you need to reflect in the Business Process as part of the logic.

Could you share the model you have so far and also the code you are using?

Kind regards