Chapter: Hannover. A new host, new platform and new topics

Hi there,

The Camunda Chapter Hannover, led by @asys3 and Frank Oelschläger, has prepared a meet-up with a topic that will cater to both C7 and C8 users.

In the first part of the session, the host, NORD/LB, will introduce us to their workflow platform and the interesting technical use of Camunda 7 in the in-house central task list. During the second part, @Hafflgav will tell us all about the C8 Connectors, how they work, how to use them, and what their limits are.

:calendar: April 17, 5pm
:round_pushpin:In-person, Hannover, Germany
:speech_balloon: Language: German and someone from Nord/LB
:studio_microphone: Speakers: Thomas Heinrichs
:ticket: Sign up here

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