Chapter: Rheinland. Camunda 8: Low-Code und Connectors & "BPMN patterns that start fights"

Hi there,

The Camunda Chapters Rheinland and Ruhrgebiet have an interesting and interactive online meet-up prepared for you!

Get ready to learn everything about Camunda 8 low-code and Connectors. What is possible, what are the out-of-the-box Connectors currently available, and how to build a custom Connector. The second part of the session, you’ll get the chance to discuss which patterns are the best with the presentation “BPMN patterns that start fights.”

:calendar: April 4, 2023 (5pm CET)
:busts_in_silhouette: Organizers: @rnschk and @mschulte
:round_pushpin: Online
:speech_balloon: Language: German
:ticket: Sign up here

Bis bald!

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