CI/CD for BPMN and DMN files Camunda 8

We are running on Camunda 8 with dot net for service layer. We have few BPMNs and DMNs in Camunda for which we want to enable automated deployment using CI/CD pipelines.

Please advise how this can be achieved ? Please share any examples if available.
Kindly note BPMNs and DMNs are to be deployed stand alone, they are not embedded inside the dot net application.



You can take a look into our docs, where you find CI/CD best practices:


I’m also looking for the same to automate the deployment of BPMN/DMN files. Are you able to achieve this?

Thank you

no, we are still looking for a way to achieve this using CI/CD.

Hi @bot109493 and @DIID_RAO,

Today, the simplest option is to use a local repository, open those files with the Desktop Modeler, and then push our files when you’re ready to start the deployment process. From your version control system, you can then run your pipeline (as Christian described earlier)

Making the flow from Modeler to production is a top priority for the Web Modeler roadmap. We see 2 main ways to do it:

  • Use out-of-the-box functionality in the Web Modeler to deploy all assets for a process application with a single action in-product.
  • Integrate Camunda into your own deployment pipeline. Today there’s a process blueprint that shows how you could do this with Camunda’s connectors and API, but some customers see this more as documentation. The blueprints includes backing up a process, push it to GitLab, and then monitor it through the deployment pipeline (likely run elsewhere). In the future, we’ll offer a native GitHub integration

We have a few opportunities here:

  • offer bulk APIs to create milestones, download, or deploy assets to a given deployment stage
  • publish deployment scripts or GitHub Actions to make the flow easier
  • create more blueprints to show working examples

What would you need to be successful?

If you’d like to discuss more, then DM me to set up a 1:1 call

Hi @Eric_Lundberg, Thank you for sharing the resources.

Instead of integrating CI/CD with Web Modeler, I want to set up CI/CD to be triggered from GitHub. My goal is to do local development using Desktop Modeler and push the updated BPMN and DMN files into a repository. When a new merge request is created, I want to trigger the CI/CD pipeline to deploy these files to the Zeebe engine.

To set up CI/CD, we need appropriate scripts. I’m looking for references for these scripts.

Thank you

Hi @bot109493,

My apologies for the delay: although there are supported API endpoints and documentation, there are no Camunda-supported scripts to perform CI/CD.

If you define the activities you need your CI/CD script to perform (e.g. perform linting, run tests, deploy, blue/green transition) as well as the tools in your development pipeline (e.g. which repository, which CI/CD tool?), then I can take that as product feedback and we’ll see if there’s a lightweight solution to help you and others out.
