Hi, i m using Camunda API for claiming task
It working for right user.
But when i send wrong user-id in payload. It doesnot throw error.
Hi, i m using Camunda API for claiming task
It working for right user.
But when i send wrong user-id in payload. It doesnot throw error.
I have observed this issue too…do share solution if you find any
Hi @gumang and @Atmesh_Agarwal1,
it is a matter of authorizations. It’s hard to define “wrong user”.
Checkout the possibilties by yourself here: Authorization Service | docs.camunda.org.
And be aware that the camunda-bpm-spring-boot-starter disables authorization checks by default.
Hope this helps, Ingo
Hi @Ingo_Richtsmeier
Authorization is enabled.
But my problem is not authentication.
Its about the userId in payload. That userId doesnot exist in system.
For example:
Url: rest/task/100453/claim
Authentication: admin/admin
Payload: {“userId”:“sdfdsf”}
Admin here is valid user and have all privileges.
He/She assigns the task 100453 to sdfdsf. But there is no such user. I expect some message from camunda whether there is any such user
Hi @gumang,
The core of the Camunda engine treats users , groups and tenants as simple text strings
Validation of assignee existence could by implemented by a generic task listener to be triggered on assignment event.
identityService = delegateTask.getProcessEngineServices()
processEngine = Context.getProcessEngineConfiguration()
engineConfiguration = processEngine.getProcessEngineConfiguration();
if (delegateTask.getAssignee() != null) {
currentAuthentication = identityService.getCurrentAuthentication();
try {
// run without authorization checks
assigneeEntity = identityService.createUserQuery()
finally {
if (assigneeEntity == null) {
throw new ProcessEngineException("Invalid assignee");
Hi @hassang
Thanks for the solution. I will try it out and update here
@hassang Thanks, It worked
As a curious person and engineer, i dont understand why this is not implemented by camunda