ClassCastException: class java.util.LinkedHashMap cannot be cast to class java.lang.String deserialising variables

JGeek: POJO objects as job variables

As a mechanism to pass on output of one zeebe worker to another in a workflow, I am adding the pojo object instance to job variables when completing the command.

client.newCompleteCommand(job).variables(Map.of("employee",jsonUtils.mapper().convertValue(emp, MyEmployeeDTO.class))).send().join();

When I try to fetch them in the second zeebe worker code, I get a ClassCastException: class java.util.LinkedHashMap cannot be cast to class java.lang.String

MyEmployeeDTO myEmpDTO = mapper.readValue((String) job.getVariablesAsMap().get("emp"), MyEmployeeDTO.class);

looks like the json is converted to a map. Can someone guide me on how to fetch the pojo object back?


Josh Wulf: A variable in Zeebe terms is a string or number primitive. You can put a complex object into a variable by stringifying it, ie: serialising it as a string.

In the Node client, I use JSON.stringify to convert anything passed to the job.complete function, and in the worker task handler, I JSON.parse the incoming variables to turn any stringified JSON back into a JavaScript object.

I don’t know if this helps you at all - it may change your assumptions about how to serialise your object into Zeebe.

JGeek: It indeed helps. I converted the json to a string and read it accordingly thanks !

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