Is it possible to add an embedded form for user Tasks in CMMN diagrams? There is definitely provision for it. I have created an html form, and linked it the same way I would for a BPMN diagram (embedded:deployment:MyForm.html). It deploys But when I start the process from the task list it gives me an error.
Please assist.
Thank you
Hi Phillana,
could you please provide the error message?
Hi I have attached the error message, the BPMN and CMMN Files as well as the html form I am using. CMMN (Test embedded Form).cmmn (3.7 KB)
Resolve Case.bpmn (2.9 KB)
simple-form.txt (716 Bytes)
(Note I changed the html file to txt to be able to upload it.
I Dont know if I require any special way of linking the variables? I m not using any Expressions or Delegation Language
Thank you
Hey Phillana,
I was able to reproduce your problem. Unfortunately, this might be a bug.
Therefore I created a bug report.
Thank you!
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