Cockpit login Erro


I’ve been trying to get into the cockpit for a long time, but there are always a lot of mistakes and it never works.

When I log in, the page goes to the cockpit home, but, second, it returns to the login page and I get the 401 error:
http: // …: 8080 / api / engine / engine / standard / group / count
http: // …: 8080 / api / engine / engine / default / group? maxResults = 25 & firstResult = 0

I found few people talking about it and no resolution.

Note: Only the cockpit does not work, the workflow I created, I can use it. And this error only occurs when I deploy to my development server, when I run local everything works fine.

What other differences exist between your local deployment and the development server?

I forgot to mention it, but it is a spring boot application.
Well, locally I only run which is a main class that runs
For the deployment, first run the maven instal, then make a container in the azure devops of the image docker and publish it.

Is there more than one node?
Is there a load balancer?

Yes, I use 3 node and load balancer

You need to add sticky sessions to the load balancer.
At the moment you’re first request authentcates against one node and then the next request is round robbin-ed to the a different (unauthenitcated) node

That was the problem! I did a test and put only one node and it worked well.
Thanks a lot for the help

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