Cockpit-plugin-recent-instances plugin not able to build with maven

Hi all,
I am trying to start with cockpit plugins.

I tried the cockpit-plugin-recent-instances with the following dependency in my pom:


and also with version 7.4.0. I do get a camunda-webapp-core-7.4.0.jar; error in opening zip file from maven.
Opening the camunda-webapp-core-7.X.0.jar with 7zip results in a message that the jar is corrupt?

Hi @Armin1231,

Did you try to delete the jar and redowload it? Also from where did maven dowload the jar?

Edit: It works for me. Tested it by dowloading the file from Camunda Nexus and extracting it using commandline unzip on OS X.


Hi @hawky4s,
yes, I tried several times.

I have a downloadlink: in my maven log.

So it seems to be from

And I have several other projects where the dependencies to camunda jars are working.

Downloading from there and unzipping works fine for me with 7zip on Windows 7.

I tried with dependency for camunda-engine-cdi to delete and download again. This works. And I think because the jar is cached in our own repository.

This is a problem on our side.
Thank you for checking and sorry for any inconvenience.