I create a process and a html form with one variable, with an instance launched with a curl command line. It works well.
I put 3 variables in my process. When I launch it directly with camunda it works well.
When I launch an instance with curl command line, cockpit page is white, only with running circle in the middle of the page. Nothing happened.
I restart tomcat, virtual machine, it’s always the same white page.
I check catalina.out and there is no trace. Nothing apparently in the DB.
Before working on my curl command line, I should have cockpit available. What should I do : to have cockpit page available ? How can I repair it ?
I join my model (simplified as you can see, but the two first steps are quite the same). diagram_1.bpmn (2.3 KB)
I also join the two forms (with txt extension instead of html for uploading). demandDoc.txt (849 Bytes) LireDoc.txt (1.0 KB)
When I start my process with camunda it works.
When I start with the following cURL command line, it works #/bin/bash curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"variables": {"nomDoc":{"value":"'$1'"}}}'
When I start with the following cURL command line it blocks Cockpit page #/bin/bash curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"variables": {"nomDoc":{"value":"'$1'"}},{"nomAuth":{"value":"'$2'"}}, {"nomUser":{"value":"'$3'"}}}'
I know I have a problem with my cURL command line I would have to solve later.
In addition, I should say that cURL command is launch by a script within Nextcloud.
the copckpit white page appears once again. But that time, I change a javaclass name in modeler, redeploy war and restart tomcat. I launched a new process instance which was OK, and when I test my service task I got the white page cockpit.
10 mn later, after stopping my virtual machine, all was running well.
No trace in catalina.out.
Any idea to investigate ?
I’ve the same problem with Camunda Cockpit provided by Camunda 7.14.
Starting from application with Camunda 7.8 where Camunda engine (deployed with SpringBoot), Camunda Cockpit and Takslist
work properly, I’ve porting the same applciation in Camunda 7.14.
Now I’ve a SpringBoot application with Camunda 7.14 in the following status:
Camuna Engine works fine: all task(s), process(es) work without errors
REST API works fine
Camunda Web App:
Camunda Cockpit doesn’t works : it shows a white page
Camunda Tasklist doesn’t works : it is an empty page
Camunda Adming works fine
My configuration is:
OS: CentOS Linux release 7.6.1
SpringBoot 2.3.6.RELEASE
Camunda 7.14.0
Could you please help me to solve problems with Cockpit and Tasklist web apps?
Thanks in advance