Colors for the Modeler: now Modeler 5.0.0 ready

Hi Community Folks!

I had some troubles with my Spectrum Color Picker Plugin under the new Camunda Modeler. Thanks to the existing ColorPicker example (GitHub - camunda/camunda-modeler-plugin-example: Plugin example for the Camunda Modeler. Use this as a starting point for creating your own plugins.) my plugin is now Modeler 5.0.0 ready.

If you are interested:

Maybe it is also useful for someone else :slight_smile:


I love a good color plugin! Thanks!
Do you store the colour in the XML to align with the standard?


So happy to see this!

I love coloring my BPMN. :slight_smile:



The plugin uses the built-in method “element.setColor()”. It therefore uses the Modeler functionality.

The XML would look like this, for example:

… <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="…" bpmnElement=“Activity_1f1oeka…” bioc:stroke="#0028ff" bioc:fill="#b8c3ff" color:background-color="#b8c3ff" color:border-color="#0028ff"> …


Good afternoon!
Tell me why Camunda returns the error:
unknown attribute [ warning ]

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Hi @a.volkovsky ,
do you mean something like “unknown attribute <background-color> [ warning ]”?

To be honest, I’m not sure what the reason is. In the code the attribute “background-color” is never set.

Could it be that this happens when a bpmn diagram was created in Modeler 4.x (with this plugin) and is now opened in Modeler 5.x?

Thank you for not ignoring my question!
The paradox is that I create a model in Modeler 5.x.
I open it in the same version.
I will understand, experiment.

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Hi @a.volkovsky,

I tested it again with modeler “camunda-modeler-5.1.0-linux-x64” and the plugin “camunda-modeler-bpmn-js-plugin-spectrum-color-picker-0.2” and could not reproduce the error.
Also “camunda-modeler-5.1.0-win-x64” showed no error.

Make sure that you download version “0.2” which is “GitHub - richig-vienna/camunda-modeler-bpmn-js-plugin-spectrum-color-picker at v0.2”.

If the error still occurs, please report an issue at “Issues · richig-vienna/camunda-modeler-bpmn-js-plugin-spectrum-color-picker · GitHub” and describe your setup, the expected and the current behaviour.

Hey! Thank you so much for the plugin. I really like it. God bless you!

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