Come to CamundaCon NYC! (Oct 16-17th)

Hello Community Folks!

CamundaCon will be Online & Live in New York starting October 16th! The agenda is live, so you can already take a look. This year, it’s got a bit of everything.

Maybe you’re interested in a presentation about architecture implementation? Then you can find out how Camunda powers microservice orchestration for the German Stock Exchange
Maybe you’re looking for some insight into practical implementation of Camunda - well RaboBank is using Camunda 8 SaaS for their banking platform so maybe bookmark that one.

But if you’re at all like me (and I’m egotistical enough to believe that that can only be a good thing) then what you really want is to spend time learning by doing. So if you’re joining CamundaCon NYC in person you can register for the Hackday - hosted by me! Seats are limited so you’ll need to get in fast, but if you do, you’ll enjoy a hands-on hack session where you’ll learn how to model and build some really fun stuff through the awesome power of friendly competition (I think there’s even prizes!)

So register now - Hope to see you there!