I’m in a bit of a jam. I’ve been at it for some while now but as of yet I still haven’t been able to resolve my issue. Comparing dates with the standard operators and the date function is quite easy in Camunda. I thought this would be the same with using the variables as dates (and it might be) but I can’t seem to get it working.
Scenario: Suppose I have an activity which precedes my DMN table. From here out I get one variable date which is the today date(to keep it a tad easier). I get another variable date which could be any date. Suppose that I want to compare these 2 dates where the variable date that can be random should be at least 7 days further than the today date. Could anyone help me with this scenario? I’m hoping if I get a grip on this scenario I will be to use the result and the right notation to make more complex scenarios. Keep in mind that I could use expressions on a sequence line in a BPMN model but I’d rather use the variables in a DMN engine so bigger and more complex scenarios with more outputs can be handled.
Hi @kingspallett,
it would be easier to approach your problem, if you could post the sample BPMN and DMN models and corresponding code setting the date variables.
Thanks for your reply. I added my examples. One is a BPMN model where a variable will flow from the service task into my DMN task. The variable is a date. In my DMN I now have a working representation of how to compare that date with the two rules. I am now looking to add to these rules years, days, hours or any other timeframe. To clarify: I’d like the variable compare to xx-xx-xxxx + 3 days(or hours, seconds, years). Have you got a formula for this? I’m guessing this has to be done in Juel through an expression or I have to download an extension for FEEL. Either way, does someone have the right format for me to pull this off? Preferably in Juel AND FEEL.
I also was trying to the same thing but couldn’t achieve expected output. I have the same thing in mind do we have to download an extension for FEEL or can someone tell me the right format?
date and time(“2018-11-11T12:11:11”).plusDays(3) - this didnt work for me in the decision table input entry.
date and time("2017-01-10T10:30:00") - duration("PT1H")
Input expressions are FEEL by default, but the default Camunda engine only supports a restricted FEEL dialect which does not include duration, the feel-scala extension however is much more advanced. See its wiki to learn how to add it.