I have the following bpmn
When bookFlight fails, only reserveCar compensation is executed.
Is there any way for the compensation for bookFlight to also run when compensations are triggered?
I have the following bpmn
When bookFlight fails, only reserveCar compensation is executed.
Is there any way for the compensation for bookFlight to also run when compensations are triggered?
Hi @SGarofalo,
the compensation is called for completed tasks only: https://docs.camunda.org/manual/7.8/reference/bpmn20/events/cancel-and-compensation-events/#compensation-boundary-event
I assume, that book flight throws the error, so it is not completed (and can not be compensated).
Hope this helps,
I was thinking in the case for instance BookFlight calls a remote server and then lost connectivity and gets a timeout, or there is an issue processing the response.
But maybe I can catch the error, respond to it as needed and then throw the error for the rest of the tasks to compensate.
Iām facing the same issue as described where a service task calls a remote service but fails afterwards.
The compensation does not occur and the change in the remote service is not rolled back.
Any tips to solve this?