How to provide the completion condition based on value of variable in multi instance completion condition attribute so that I don’t need to manual complete the task . it should complete the task automatically once the user task will return the response.?
It’s not completely clear what you’re trying to do - can you upload a model to make it easier to know what you’re trying to achieve?
loanApprove.bpmn (3.5
check the screenshot and modeler. i need to know how to give completion condition based any variable value which i will get here in this user task step and it complete the task automatically.
If you want you can just have a single variable that indicates that someone has done one of the tasks and that the other tasks in the multi instances can be cancelled.
I added that to this model.
loanApprove.bpmn (3.9 KB)
thankyou for the help its working for me.
please help me in one more query.?
In the same screenshot have mentioned multi instance = 2 and I am giving the candidate group
so that all users of that group will be able to complete the task but once i submit my form , each user of that group is able to see the 2 user task which they can claim and complete.I want each user can see only one task or once any complete one task that user should not be able to see any other task.?