Could you advise - how to create Voting process with 4 Users. We will go forward when at least 3 of 4 users voted OR user with VETO right voted and use it ?
Complex_gateway2.bpmn (7.5 KB)
Hello, here is my vision how to create emulation of Complex Gataway in Camunda Modeller for voting task with complex logic. May be this can help somebody.
Voting will complete when most of the votes (3 of 5) either Approved or Rejected and Vote5 User (with VETO right) already voted. We don’t wait others, but we always wait for Vote5 User voting.
When Vote5 User use VETO, voting process will be immediately interrupted and as a result - Rejected
Complex_gateway_v04.bpmn (24.8 KB)
This might also do the the trick in a slightly tidier way.
Complex_gateway2.bpmn (9.8 KB)
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Well, this is a good improvement of process with the same idea. Thanks, Niall !