Condition Expression in Camunda 8


We are migrating from Camunda 7 to Camunda 8. So we are using condition expression of exclusive gateway like this object.someMethod(parameters)==true but was getting syntoxError : expression expected.
How can we use condition expression in camunda 8??

Thanks in advance

Hi @riya,
Camunda 8 uses a different expression language called FEEL, which is part of the DMN standard.
Check out our documentation, which included an interactive tutorial and a playground:

Comparisons use a single = as well. To check whether the field of an object equals the value true, write:

object.variable = true

See boolean expressions for more details and examples.

Please note, you cannot simply call custom functions in a FEEL expression.

Hi @StephanHaarmann

we cannot simply call custom functions in a FEEL expression.
like ==> context.getFromContext(‘FLG_IS_ITEM_RECOLLECTED’)=false
Here, context is object, which is stored as task variable and we are trying to call a method using that object
Its not a custom function, object will be part of process instance variables and we are trying to access that method

In Camunda 8, variables can be structured (i.e., have fields) or they can be atomic. However, it is not possible to have a full-fledged java object as a variable and so it’s not possible to call one of its methods. When you store an object as a process variable in Camunda 8, you need to serialize it. The expressions will work directly on the serialization.

Camunda 8 does not support remote code execution for performance and security reasons.