Connect spring boot job worker to zeebe cluster

Hi All,
I have installed camunda8 in windows and I am able to deploy a hello world modeler.
I created a spring boot job worker and I need to configure properties

  • ZEEBE_ADDRESS - The address to reach the Zeebe Cluster, i.e. a standalone or embedded gateway or a proxy / load balancer sitting in front of a Zeebe Cluster
  • ZEEBE_CLIENT_ID - The unique identifier of the Client for the OAuth2 provider
  • ZEEBE_CLIENT_SECRET - The pre-shared secret for the OAuth2 provider
  • ZEEBE_AUTHORIZATION_SERVER_URL - The URI from which an Access Token can be requested from
  • ZEEBE_TOKEN_AUDIENCE - The audience of the Client token for the OAuth2 provider

could you please help me to know with value of these properties for local windows setup. I have given only host http://localhost:26500

but its not working and I get error in my spring boot application
unable to resolve host http

I am clear that for my local setup I only need zeebe_addresss, other props not needed as security is diabled. could someone please help me with right value for zeebe_address for local window install

Did you try without the http:// in front of the host?

tried did not work, I think error was http protocol not found