Connector for REST call

I created an approval process which, in the end ,should start an Rest call to AWX to start a playbook. After a little bit of research I recognized I need to implement a connector. Unfortunately I can’t find enough helpful information about that. Also I’m relatively new to Camunda so I don’t know how to implement a connector properly.
I would be thankful for every tip and every kind of help possible.

Hello, Patrick
I can give you an example of Camunda “User List” REST call.
Parse_JSON_v04.bpmn (4.8 KB)

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Hey Volodya,

I see, I thought I had to write code to implement an connector.
Thank for the response!
But I have one more question:
I have a form in the beginning of the process the user has to fill out.
My goal is to take the filled out form and parse the input parameters into a json so I would need an dynamic json script to receive the parameters based on the users input, is that possible?

Hi, Patrick

Yes, possible. Look at this a little bit changed example:
Parse_JSON_v04_UI.bpmn (4.6 KB)

You have to start process in Tasklist and then click on “All Tasks” at the left panel menu. Select “Input params: ServiceName” Task.
Enter “user” to call http://localhost:8080/engine-rest/user
Enter “group” to call http://localhost:8080/engine-rest/group
The parameter you entered in form just added to the end of “url” param of Connector:

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Hey Volodya,

Very cool and thanks for the quick response.
But a few questions regarding that:
Where would I see the output of the task when it’s done?
Would it be possible to take the output and use it as input for a POST call with JSON body?
My General idea would be to let the user fill out a form, take the values he entered and to use them for a POST call in a JSON body.

You can get output in JSON format from REST service:

The result you can see in Tomcat console.

But you can create your own JSON body at any time by javascript or java. This is just a string.

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Hi Volodya,

So i could create a JSON Body based on the REST Result and then take this JSON Body and use in in my next REST call which would use it in a POST method?

Hi, Patrick

Yes. Get REST Result, parse it, make new Request with some data from previous result and send it.