Hello everyone!
I’m new to Camunda and I’m trying my first scenarios.
What I do need is to create a springboot project (I use IntelliJ 2020.2.3), deployed in an integrated Oracle Weblogic, that manipulates processes using the rest engine.
I have created a Camunda BPM project (v7.11.0) with embedded tomcat and is running in localhost:8080 (localhost:8080/engine-rest/engine for the engine).
I then create a spring project, following the examples and the guide in https://camunda.github.io/camunda-rest-client-spring-boot/quick-start/
My client is the following:
public class CamundaClient {@Qualifier("remote") private RuntimeService runtimeService; @Qualifier("remote") private RepositoryService repositoryService; public CamundaClient(RuntimeService runtimeService) { this.runtimeService = runtimeService; } public void start() { this.runtimeService .startProcessInstanceByKey("my_process_key"); } public void correlate() { this.runtimeService .createMessageCorrelation("message_received") .processInstanceBusinessKey("WAIT_FOR_MESSAGE") .correlateAllWithResult(); } public void start(String processKey) { this.runtimeService .startProcessInstanceByKey(processKey); }
And my application.yml file in resources folder is:
url: “http:/ /localhost:8080/engine-rest/”
url: “http:/ /localhost:8080/engine-rest/”
On deployment to my Weblogic I get the following error:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal com.oracle.weblogic:weblogic-maven-plugin:12.2.1-3-0:redeploy (wls-deploy) on project camundaSpringDemo: weblogic.Deployer$DeployerException: weblogic.deploy.api.tools.deployer.DeployerException: Task 16 failed: [Deployer:149026]deploy application CamundaSpringDemo [Version=0.0.1] on DefaultServer.
[ERROR] Target state: redeploy failed on Server DefaultServer
[ERROR] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not resolve placeholder ‘feign.client.config.remoteRepositoryService.url’ in value “http://${feign.client.config.remoteRepositoryService.url}”
Am I doing something wrong on how to define the feign properties?
If you need any more details on the project let me know so that I can provide.
Thanks in advance!