Create Design Modeler BPMN

Hi, I’m new in Camunda

Can someone describe and create this picture in Camunda Modeler? I can’t understand:

  1. How to User Task call message event in “Approval Requested”?
  2. How Gateway (“approved?”) receive value expression to decide “yes” or “no”?
  3. Why using message event start to evaluate request and what different if using subprocess task?


Please kindly send me this modeler (.bpmn) to this post.
Thank you so much.

This should be considered as a strategic model - not intended for execution.
Rather it exists to get across the idea of the solution without adding too much granularity or complexity.

Thank you @Niall for your response.
Can you create and explain a simple solution from that model? Thanks

I attached the XML.

foureyesprincipal.bpmn (39.6 KB)

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Thank you @thorben for your response.
But can you add properties to this bpmn? I can’t understand what properties should be created so that this modeler can be executed. Thanks

Hi @davidch,

I am afraid I cannot help you with that. In order to create executable BPMN models, I recommend following the BPMN getting started guide and studying the BPMN implementation reference. It may also be a good idea to start with a simple process model and extend step by step.


It also might be useful to follow this video tutorial