There is a requirements to have camunda installed and integrated with springboot application where we can deploy multiple processes and finally create a docker image of springboot application along with camunda. Is there any link/tutorial to refer as new to this.
can anyone of you please confirm whether the below steps can be followed:
- Create one docker image to host and run camunda engine
- Push that docker image to environment to run the Camunda and available
- Develop a Spring boot microservices and create Process 1, then create a docker image and push to container
- Develop another Spring boot microservices and create Process 2 then create a docker image and push to container.
please advise whether the above steps will work for the 2 processes which are from 2 different microservices and both of them can be deployed to same Camunda instance?
Are you saying you’re trying to deploy spring boot microservices to a Camunda engine?
I dont really understand that. Can you explain a little more?
You can create a spring boot application that contains the engine and the processes you want to run and create docker image from that, i think that would work for you.
Hi @Niall … Thank You for your message. Here is the scenario:
- We have 2 different springboot services–SBService1 and SBService2.
- Would like to run one BPM process from SBService1 and another BPM from SBService2.
- Instead of putting two different engines in two microservices, can it be possible to host camunda engine in centralized platform and execute two BPM processes on same engine instance?
Thanks a lot for the clarification, that makes a lot of sense now.
There is no problem at all with running both processes on the same engine, but there are some thing to consider - assuming your business logic going to be kept in the various microservices how exactly are they going to orchestrated? i.e. how are you implementing your service tasks?
Required business logic and the process(.bpmn file) for SBService1 service will be residing inside springboot code for SBService1 and this service is running on port 8080.
Required business logic and the process(.bpmn file) for SBService2 service will be residing inside inside springboot code for SBService2 and this service is running on port 8081.
If I integrate camunda with two different springboot services for SBService1 and SBService2, then need to access respective processes by opening 2 individual links
can it be possible to deploy the processes in camunda engine running on port 8082 and access from SBService1 and SBService2 through one link (http://localhost:8082/camunda/app/)for both processes to track ?