Create input parameter with Context for Literal expression

Hi all,
I am new in Camunda Platform, Currently I have a problem in creating input parameters with a Context as below:

I also use the hienThiTaiMaker variable as input variable for the decision evaluation.

I have some input parameters as follows which I will pass them via Rest API in json form


“variables” : {

"formCase" : { "value" : 2, "type" : "Integer" },

"daSoanThaoTaiBMP" : { "value" : true, "type" : "Boolean" },

"sanPhamVay" : { "value" : 5390, "type" : "Integer" },

"htDamBaoTienVay" : { "value" : "TinChap", "type" : "String" }



However, I always get error 404 not found. According to Camunda explaination this come from “The decision could not be evaluated due to a nonexistent decision definition”. I get stuck a lot of.
Could anyone help me?

Thank you!

Hello @caubenganha ,

the decision definition key can be found in the DRD overview of your DMN. If you click on a decision there and open the properties panel, you will see the ID which maps to be key when deploying the model to the engine.

You can then use this key to refer to a decision definition.

I hope this helps


Thanks for explaining the problem. But I would like to use the literal expression instead of the key because I must add the new column as a ID to the decision definition when I have just a new criterial. So the literal expression is good for me.

Hello @caubenganha ,

also the literal expression has a key, see screenshot:

I hope this helps


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Ok thank you so much! I will try it

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