CreateMessageCorrelation not sent?

We are trying to send a message within our model using the Message Intermediate Throw Event implemented as expression

${ execution.getProcessEngineServices() .getRuntimeService() .createMessageCorrelation("CounterPlus") .processInstanceBusinessKey(execution.getBusinessKey()). correlateWithResult()}

This triggers a subprocess.

We are facing the issue randomly, that the execution stops here, and we can’t find any error-log-info why this is happening.

Any comment what to check or try are welcome.

This is very, very strange.
Especially because you’re not seeing any errors. Can you check what the current state of the job related to the message is?

Is currently active ( and waiting to receive the message)

We searched for the message “CounterPlus” in the following log-files but unfortunately we didn’t find any call:

So - there should be a job related to the token on the message send event. The fact that it’s not moving AND that there’s no error means that that job is somehow stuck. I’m not sure why it’s not executing. You’d need to take a look at the job to find out if there’s any reason why it’'s not being picked up by the engine. Perhaps it’s locked for an unsually long amount of time :man_shrugging:

Can you pls give me some insights how to look for the job explicitely?

Cockpit should be able to give you some information about the job.
You can get the details of it via the rest api if you like.

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These are the details about the related job:

But actually, we don’t see any reason why it get stuck…

The database-table provides a bit more information:

Can you psl give us some insights to jobs.
Are the also tried 3 times (as default settings) to execute, and then are kind of stalled and never picked up again?
Suspending the job and restarting in cockpit had no effect.
Is there a way to retrigger the jobs?
thx in advance