Hi , i am creating a sub task using postman client with the params as follows
“id”: “25089523-b4e6-11e7-ac1f-005056a64ad8”,
“name”: “My Sub Task”,
“description”: “This have to be done very urgent”,
“priority” : 30,
“assignee” : “peter”,
“owner” : “mary”,
“due” : “2017-08-30T10:00:00”,
“followUp” : “2017-08-25T10:00:00”,
“parentTaskId” : “19089523-b4e6-11e7-ac1f-005056a64ad8”,
“processDefinitionId” : “Gasf_init:4:01422804-b4e6-11e7-ac1f-005056a64ad8”,
“caseInstanceId” : “1906c047-b4e6-11e7-ac1f-005056a64ad8”,
“tenantId” : null
As you see I am giving the parentTaskId , for which sub task has to be created . the task is creating but its not listing in the cockpit under the specific process definition id ? Any idea ??