Hi all,
First of all, i’m pretty new to Camunda. What i want to do is to customize the css of Tasklist and add some javascript in an embedded form. I only found how to do it when using Camunda with a server like tomcat, but i’m not able to find instructions for Camunda Run.
From the documentation here (Camunda Platform Run | docs.camunda.org) this is the structure of Camunda Run where do i place my custom css and js?. Also how to i implement custom JS for an embedded form?
├── configuration/
│ ├── keystore/
│ │ └── put your SSL key store here if you want to use HTTPS
│ ├── resources/
│ │ └── put your BPMN files, forms and scripts here
│ ├── sql/
│ │ └── necessary SQL scripts to prepare your database system
│ ├── userlib/
│ │ └── put your database driver jar here
│ ├── default.yml
│ └── production.yml
├── internal/
├── start.bat
└── start.sh
Thank you.