Custom patches to camunda

Hello, I’d like to ask, what is the best approach to patching camunda. During performance tests we found some hot db queries which can be optimized with quite good effect. We have found also some issues.
Now, let’s say, we want to patch camunda’s Authorization.xml mybatis mapping. How should we proceed to do the customization ourselves, as we don’t want/can’t wait till our pull request would be released in some official version.

We could of course take the file, alter it and put higher on the classpath, but that is a little bit cumbersome with multiple camunda applications which need the same patch together with spring boot, where is very limited possibility to influence classloaders order of loaded jars.

Then there is the other approach, to fork the camunda source codes, store it somewhere, I am not sure if we should branch in official github repository or clone the repository, push it to our VCS and branch it there.

Are there any other possibilites?

Forking sounds like a good idea. Where you put that fork does not really matter. If you plan to contribute your improvements back (which I encourage), a github fork could be best. I would also recommend setting up a CI build that runs the engine test suite against your modified code base.

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are there any conventions on how to name such branches?
Also, what should we do with release. would it be good idea to define our own nexus repository in the poms?

All of this up to you, it’s your fork. I can’t really help you with that. You haven’t got the permissions to publish a release to Camunda Nexus. Should you want to publish to Maven central, then we would kindly ask you to use different group IDs.