Customize Camunda bpm designer


we are in the process of pickup a bpm solution for our workflow.
We have very simple requirements the processing should:

  • Execute actions
  • Be triggered by some input events
  • Do split based on conditions

I am wondering if Camunda offers the possibility to design our own components and override the look and feel
for BPM designer, panels etc.

Might be there some open-source themes that can be checked to understand what are Camunda’s possibilities?

Thank you in advance!

Best regards,

Hello @Vitalie_Svet ,

the Camunda Modeler and all other editors and visualisation tools contained in the platform at any point are done using bpmn-js.

Taking this js library as starting point, you will be able to develop viewers and modelers for bpmn in lots of different fashions.

However, there is a special forum for

I hope this helps


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Hi Jonathan,

thank you a lot for your response, will have a look at it.

Thank you,

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