Decision Diagram - passing values error


I’m trying to make a decision diagram with 3 decisions:
so finally Decision 1 is being made based on Decision 2 and 3.

Decision 2 has input variable ‘c’ and output variable ‘d’
Decision 3 has input variable ‘a’ and output variable ‘b’

finally Decision 1 has inputs: ‘b’ and ‘d’ and outputs ‘e’.

Having variables ‘b’ and ‘d’ nowhere in whole process defined, during execution of process instance I’m getting error on Decision 1, that ‘b’ and ‘d’ are not defined. When I try defining ‘b’ and ‘d’ on input of decision diagram - on Decision 1 it’s a default value chosen… however I see all the output variables set correctly. It was working on Camunda 7 platform - how can I setup a decision diagram dependency tree?

Please help - thank you a head :slight_smile:

decision_making.bpmn (2.7 KB)
decision_diagram.dmn (6.3 KB)

Hi @Krzysztof_acini,

The handling of DRDs in Camunda 7 and Camunda 8 differs.
To use the result of Decision 2/4, use the decisions’ ID.
See the following DMN:

decision_diagram.dmn (6.3 KB)
Also read about the data handling in the documentation:

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