Delete historic process instances not complete

Hi there,
I am using camunda version 7.13.

I have used the below API to delete history from camunda tables

set removal time to them and cleaned using
it suceccessfully cleaned data from below tables.

but below the history tables were are not cleaned:


is there some additional configuration I missed, to delete other history tables?
or it requires another API ? please advise

additionally, i need to clean up other non-history tables as well like
ACT_GE_BYTEARRAY, please advise.

I have referred History and Audit Event Log |

but my case is specific in such a way that I need to clean when a request comes, and setting removal time in the batch was perfect but not all were cleared

Can you clarify your use case?

when a request comes

Would a removal time strategy of start fit your use case?
<property name="historyRemovalTimeStrategy">start</property>

If you can use effectively use the removal-time strategy, the engine will set the removal times correctly in all of the tables. But if you’re going to go with your own custom strategy, you’ll have to manually set the removal times like you did for the first five tables.