Delete process-definitions from operate

Hi Team,
We accidently deploy incorrect version of process on our Environment and then we redeployed the correct version again. Both Incorrect and Correct versions are available in operate. How can I remove the incorrect deployment from operate ? Camunda 7 had option to delete process definitions. Does this option is available in Camunda8 ? If not , when is this feature planned and in which version ?
Do we have any rest api , to handle this for now ?

Hi @ShilpaN.Chalke ,

Yes from camunda 8.3, It is possible to delete a specific version of process

Please refer this documentation

Hi Praveen,
Thanks for your response. As we are using camunda 8.2, is there any alternate option available to achieve same in 8.2 camunda version ?

Hi Shilpa,

Deleting process is updated from the 8.3 version

In the earlier versions it is not supporting, Please refer this thread for more info

Thanks @Praveen_Kumar_Reddy .
I did a manual setup of camunda8.3 and I am able to delete the process instances from operate. However even after deleting all completed/ cancelled process instances say from version 2, I still see process version 2 available in drop down. Is there a way we can undeploy this process version 2 as well so that it doesn’t appear in the dropdown list?

Hi Shilpa,

The dropdown was updated after deleting a version when i tried previously

Any screenshots would be helpful from your end

Hi @Praveen_Kumar_Reddy , Let me try again and share the screenshot . I am using 8.3.4 version of camunda.