Dependencies to Zeebe modules in Camunda SDK Spring Boot starter

Hello everyone,

we recently switched from the old community-driven Spring Boot starter to the new official Camunda SDK starter and noticed a massive increase in the size of our deployable (>70 MB).

Looking in the Spring Boot fat JAR, that our Gradle build produces, we noticed it included a RocksDB library, which we hadn’t seen before and which is huge (~70 MB). After investigating a little more we discovered, that the Camunda SDK starter has transitive dependencies to a lot of Zeebe modules that we think are only relevant for the server-side, not a client. One of which is Zeebe DB which brings in the RocksDB library.

The Zeebe modules were added with this commit by @Zelldon which suggest, that they are only relevant for tests.

Are we missing something? We excluded the Zeebe dependencies from our deployable and everything still seems to be working fine. Except that the deployable is now >70 MB smaller again.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated!

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Same problem. It seems the test-dependency is in our production artifact / build.

Anyone care?