I have a wildfly server and I deployed some .war projects on this server. I would like to run optimize within this wildfly.
I tried to create a .WAR from the fat Jar of optimize but I couldn’t.
Is there a way to deploy optimize as Jar on my wildfly server or Is there a way to convert optimize Jar to War to be deployed with my wildfly?
May 27, 2021, 9:28am
I’m pretty sure that optimize doesn’t support running on Wildfly.
Maybe an optimize expert can confirm this? @Helene
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Yes @Niall is right, we do not support wildfly as far as I know.
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Thanks @Niall and @Helene . But what if I created a maven project that only runs this JAR and extracts a WAR from this project and deployed it on my wildfly. Does this work?
May 27, 2021, 9:57am
There’s no guarantee and since that type of deployment has never been tested by the team it’s likely to result in unexpected behavior