Deploy same model with same process Id with different versionTag?

For an integration test, I am trying to create the following situation:
Start 2 process instances that come from the same model, but have different model versions.
The model contains a IntermediateThrowEvent listener.
As such I will have 2 processes, coming from the same model, but with a different version, that are listening to the same event. I will then test the routing in a multitenancy environment that will go wrong if the tenant isn’t correctly set (a bug we encountered in our software)

But I don’t know how to create this situation. I created 2 bpmn files with the same process Id and different versionTags, which is not allowed, an exception is thrown because the process Id’s are the same.

Please some advice?

Can you share the two bpmn files or a sample of them to test against?

Attached the 3 files:

  1. The bpmn file that sends the intermediate event.
  2. The 2 bpmn files that receive the event, the 2 receive file has a version tag and the same process id. However, like this, deployment will not succeed.

receive-event-test-process1.bpmn (3.1 KB)
receive-event-test-process2.bpmn (3.2 KB)
simple-test-process.bpmn (2.7 KB)