Description Error Events in documentation


The documentation (Error Events | ) says: “three optional attributes can be added in the case of startup error: errorRef, camunda:camunda and errorCodeVariable:errorMessageVariable:…”, but after deployment of the project in Camunda in the log out message:

"31-May-2017 11:12:45.645 SEVERE [localhost-startStop-20] org.camunda.commons.logging.BaseLogger.logError ENGINE-16004 Exception while closing command context: ENGINE-09005 Could not parse BPMN process. Errors:

  • ‘errorRef’ attribute is mandatory on error end event | sub_proccess.bpmn | line 30 | column 38
    org.camunda.bpm.engine.ProcessEngineException: ENGINE-09005 Could not parse BPMN process. Errors:
  • ‘errorRef’ attribute is mandatory on error end event | sub_proccess.bpmn | line 30 | column 38"

What parameters the Error Events are mandatory?

“‘errorRef’ attribute is mandatory on error end event…”

You are missing the definition of the thrown error in your end error event. The docs say that the errorref can be omitted on start error events, in which case that start event catches all thrown errors.


If your start event omits the errorRef, so it catches all errors, how do you tell the end error event to re-throw the error that was caught?