Determining releases for contribution

How can I determine which camunda release will contain my contribution if at all i do? Will it fall under 6 month camunda releases? If yes, Should i have a custom build for my organization until we wait for next camunda release?

Which contribution are you referring to - maybe i can check for you.

Hi Niall,

Thanks for responding, I am planning to contribute to, we are using external task in multi node environment on the worker side.
I wanted to understand what release will my contribution go to and update my management on the timeline.

It would depend on if and how fast the contribution can be merged but often it would be added to one of the Alpha Release and if not it would then potentially appear int he 7.14 release on October 13th.

You’ll probably get a better idea about it by starting a discussion on the ticket.

Thank you Niall, will do it. thank you it helps.