@MSc.in.BIS.FHNW we are heavily using the Camunda Modeler, and Spring Boot based BPM platform in the module Digitalisation of Business Processes. Some student-teams are following a less-code approach others are heavily using the Java, PHP or JavaScript API.
The less-code teams are thrilled and excited about the new Camunda Modeler feature of deploying diagrams directly, without using the REST API.
Similar to the response body of the REST API and as a minor feature request or enhancement:
Would it be possible to show a ProcessEngineException message
in the Camunda Modeler log panel?
Hi @andreasmartin,
Glad to hear your positive feedback about the feature.
The deployment dialog should already show an exception whenever it happens. Have you tried to deploy a diagram and did not get a properly displayed exception? If so, could you specify the case so that we can reproduce it.
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Hi @siffogh
Yes, I did try to deploy an incorrect model, and yes it did show a 500 status code error. But what I really would enjoy is that the response message from the REST API is displayed in the log panel of the Camunda Modeler.
As shown in this Postman body:
Hi @andreasmartin,
Since this seems to be a helpful feature, could you raise a feature request for it? Please let me know if you need any help.
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Hi @siffogh
Yes sure, I did open this issue.